I Am One Lucky Girl
Well, lets be honest this is just a mess. Guy's, gallbladders are just mean sometimes, however, it's acting up has made me realized just how blessed I am. I have some of the best friend's, an outstanding family, and this one guy that I like to call my boyfriend sometimes; when he is being sweet that is. Otherwise he is just another pain in the rear end [don't worry honey I'm just kidding].... Oh yeah and my spunky nut of a dog! Anyway's, I have a bit of a public thank you that I would like to share with you all.
Mom, thank you for always praying for me, even when I don't ask. I feel them. Thank you for being my best friend, my disciplinarian, my rock during the times when I thought that my world was falling apart. You have protected me from the world, and now you are serving as a guide to slowly allow me to venture out into that world I once needed so much protection from. Thank you for loving me when I'm being your "good kid" as well as when I'm driving you up the wall. Thank you for giving me the chance to make my own mistakes, and still giving advice when I mess up and need it. I love you.
To both of my dad's, I'm sorry, but for my purposes I'm grouping you together because I call you both dad. Anyways, thank you for putting up with all of my sass. Thank you for providing for me and all of my expenses [even though I'm not biologically yours dad 2]. Thank you, dad 1, for calling me every week just to talk and check in with me. I know you don't like phone calls much. And finally, thank you, dad 2, for giving me the chance to forgive you and form a renewed relationship with you over the past 5 years. I am SO proud of you. You have far exceeded any expectations I ever had.
Boys, I adore you. Thank you for being the wonderful young men you are becoming. Keaton, I know that you probably won't read this, but you have been my best friend from the day you were born. I know that we had a few years of distance, but I am so happy to be getting along with you again. Never forget that you are loved, and never forget that you can do anything you set your mind to. You are so smart and I'm so proud to be your big sister. Kindrik, though you try to hide in that basement of yours, never forget that I am always here for you. I love your awkward, subtle personality, and that you've always been the comedian of the family. I couldn't imagine a life without you. And, finally, Karsten. You have always been my sweet, sensitive boy, and watching you grow into a young man over the last few years has been beyond surreal. I may still see your cute little bear butt when I think of you, but I promise to try to let you grow into who you are meant to be without being too protective. I love you all more than anyone else in this world.
Sarah Anne Phipps, you have been my best friend for over 10 years, and I can't even remember if your middle name has an "e" in it. Oh well... Sar you are the best. Back in high school when I got sick it was you that stayed the night with me in the hospital, it was you that gave me the strength to carry on, and it was you who held my hand during the most terrifying moments of my life. You are more than a friend to me, you are a sister. Your family is mine and mine is yours. No matter where life takes us, I know that you are just a phone call away. Thank you for being my person.
[Sadly I don't have any pictures with you guys, but beware I am totally coming for you one day!... I guess we do have a new video though thanks to Michaela. Mad creds girl.]
Philip George, Honey you are such a blessing in my life. You make me laugh like nobody else can. You listen to EVERYTHING that I tell you even when it's boring and I don't stop for forty-five minutes straight. Heck you even drive over to campus at 10 o'clock at night just to pop my back. You mean so much to me. The last 2 and a half years that I've known you have been some of the most special years of my life. You, my awkward, sweet, nerdy, do anything for anyone, boyfriend, are the best thing about my day, and I'm going to miss you more than I've ever missed anyone as you head into this new chapter in your life. Come back to me my sweet man, and remember that I will always be here to catch you when you fall.... even if I haven't been all here lately [I'm sorry for that by the way. You deserve so much better]. I'm so excited to see what our future might hold. Hopefully a ring😜
And to my little baby Cooper Pooper.... You are such a pain, but you are still the number one man in my life until I get that "other man" to offer me something better than pupppy kisses and undeniable devotion. You and I just fit. You cure my roughest moments and give me a reason to procrastinate. You are the only dog that I have ever felt such a heavy connection with. Our hearts are connected, Coopy. Thank you for giving me just what I need exactly when I need it.
[Sorry guy's, I couldn't pick just one. He is WAY too cute!!!]
I know this post has been a bit long and very segmented, but I wanted you all to know how much I appreciate you. The prayers, love, support, and happiness that you all bring into my life is more than I could have ever asked for. So, if you're still with me I have a bit of a treat for you.... Honey, Philip, you might wish you had never let me take these. Sorry not sorry.
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This one is just for the cuteness factor. |
If you're still with me, thank you for sticking with it. I hope that all of my reader's feel just as loved and cared for as I do. And if you don't, leave a comment, email me [if I can ever get my page to put my email where it is supposed to be in the design], or just know that I am praying for you and I love that you cared enough to read to this point. As always sharing is greatly appreciated!
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