I Want Answers

This makes no sense to me.  Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems, to me, quite absurd that my doctors and nurses, in seeing that I couldn't even get out of the bed on my own, would be okay with sending me home.

Today was torture to put things shortly.  I had no clue how to unhook my own feeds until about 10 o'clock this morning.  Nobody told me.  I went home last night completely clueless and unprepared for what was ahead of me.  I am physically and emotionally exhausted.  Pain is at an all time high and I can't focus on anything for too long.  I've spent the majority of the past week asleep yet I still find myself tired.  Oh, and my hair is falling out again.  Sad day..

I am having a hard time not being angry... Angry at the world in general but mainly all of the people in charge of my care at Children's Mercy Hospital.  Oh wait, we don't know who that is!  Everyone and no one is in charge of my care all at once.  What I mean by this is there is literally no communication between my doctors from different departments.  One doctor tells us one thing regarding my care plan then another walks in the room and completely changes everything.  I am so tired of not knowing what is going on or what is happening to me.  I don't know what to do.  I want answers... 

I just wanted to say that I am sorry my last few posts have had a sour tone to them.  I won't promise that this will be the last one like that but hopefully the last one for a while.  God bless..


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