5 Masks Worn by All People With Anxiety
Anxiety is one of the most terrifying parts of my journey. It makes me feel vulnerable, weak, and very alone. That being said, I have been working a lot on realizing that I am not alone in this lately. I have to be honest with you. I was in a really dark place a few weeks ago, and my anxiety and depression got the best of me. I felt like it would be better if I weren't here. I don't want anyone else to ever feel like that, so I'm making it my mission to show you that you are not alone. You don't have to wear a mask with me because this is a safe place. If you ever need to talk, my email is right here on this website available to you. All you have to do is contact me, and I will be here. To start the conversation, I want to foster a place of vulnerability and share with my newfound knowledge with you. You see, I realized something recently. Everyone around me, including myself, is wearing a mask. When we walk down the street or through the grocery store we put a smile on our face regardless of what may be lurking behind the curtain. Why? Because vulnerability is a scary thing, no matter how good it may be for the health. In knowing that all people wear masks mainly to cover up what is really happening on the inside, I have compiled a short list of "Masks" that I believe every person who suffers from anxiety wears on a daily basis.
Every person that I have ever come into contact with wears this mask. It doesn't matter if their world is truly falling to pieces around them, they want others to believe that they have it all together. This includes me. I don't share my emotions, because I am afraid of them. What will happen when the truth comes out? How will I explain away the anguish that controls my life? I don't know about you, but these questions are very real to me, and they are valid when it comes to the mask of being happy.
This brings me to the next mask that everyone with anxiety should know fairly well at this point in life.
I don't know about you, but I wear this mask as much as I possibly can. I hate when people can see that I truly am a very weak minded and sensitive individual. Vulnerability is actually a very funny thing in that way. The moment we start to open up to one another this is the mask that we put on. I have never met a person who doesn't use this mask for a while before deciding to be vulnerable.
I have had so many people tell me that I am strong, but I don't actually feel strong. Actually, I feel quite weak. I feel like my world may crumble at any moment. Hiding that feeling is exhausting, and removes every ounce of energy from my body.
This is by far the most commonly used mask by people with social anxieties. Saying that one is an introvert seems to always work when trying to remove oneself from a social situation. I know that I have done this multiple times with the people close to me in my life, and I lost them because of it. Eventually, being an introvert stops being a good excuse not to go out and socialize with other people. Sure, there are times when one really does need a break from people, but most of the time this is just a poor excuse to get out of anything and everything. Trust me, I would know. I am the queen of using the introvert card.
I am not quite sure that every person with anxiety wears this mask, but I certainly do. I tell myself that I am fine without help. I tell myself that nothing will come of any help that I might receive. I am sad to admit that this type of thinking was beyond wrong.
By the time I sought help I had been cutting again, keeping secrets, lying, and digging my own grave of which I am still trying to get out of. Nobody trusts me or my word anymore. I am 21, and I have no rights. Until I finish treatment, I am a child again by law. Don't make the same mistakes that I made. If you feel anxious, depressed, or like you might hurt yourself or another person. Tell someone that you trust. Get the help that you need. Talk to me via comments or email if you have to. I don't care as long as you get help. Trust me, putting your family what I put mine through is not the way to go about things. The masks that we wear are not who we are. Underneath them, we really are strong, beautiful, brilliant people. Don't let anxiety and depression ruin that for you.
Every person that I have ever come into contact with wears this mask. It doesn't matter if their world is truly falling to pieces around them, they want others to believe that they have it all together. This includes me. I don't share my emotions, because I am afraid of them. What will happen when the truth comes out? How will I explain away the anguish that controls my life? I don't know about you, but these questions are very real to me, and they are valid when it comes to the mask of being happy.
This brings me to the next mask that everyone with anxiety should know fairly well at this point in life.
I don't know about you, but I wear this mask as much as I possibly can. I hate when people can see that I truly am a very weak minded and sensitive individual. Vulnerability is actually a very funny thing in that way. The moment we start to open up to one another this is the mask that we put on. I have never met a person who doesn't use this mask for a while before deciding to be vulnerable.
I have had so many people tell me that I am strong, but I don't actually feel strong. Actually, I feel quite weak. I feel like my world may crumble at any moment. Hiding that feeling is exhausting, and removes every ounce of energy from my body.
This is by far the most commonly used mask by people with social anxieties. Saying that one is an introvert seems to always work when trying to remove oneself from a social situation. I know that I have done this multiple times with the people close to me in my life, and I lost them because of it. Eventually, being an introvert stops being a good excuse not to go out and socialize with other people. Sure, there are times when one really does need a break from people, but most of the time this is just a poor excuse to get out of anything and everything. Trust me, I would know. I am the queen of using the introvert card.
I am not quite sure that every person with anxiety wears this mask, but I certainly do. I tell myself that I am fine without help. I tell myself that nothing will come of any help that I might receive. I am sad to admit that this type of thinking was beyond wrong.
By the time I sought help I had been cutting again, keeping secrets, lying, and digging my own grave of which I am still trying to get out of. Nobody trusts me or my word anymore. I am 21, and I have no rights. Until I finish treatment, I am a child again by law. Don't make the same mistakes that I made. If you feel anxious, depressed, or like you might hurt yourself or another person. Tell someone that you trust. Get the help that you need. Talk to me via comments or email if you have to. I don't care as long as you get help. Trust me, putting your family what I put mine through is not the way to go about things. The masks that we wear are not who we are. Underneath them, we really are strong, beautiful, brilliant people. Don't let anxiety and depression ruin that for you.
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