Mark 3: African Bible Study

This type of study is normally done in partners, but, if you have no partner, I will do my best to adapt the study to you. 

Opening Prayer: 
O Blessed Lord, who caused all Holy Scripture to be written for our learning. Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

1. Read the passage out loud, slowly. If there are more than one of you, only one person needs to do the reading. 

2. Once finished, identify words and/or phrases from the passage that caught your attention. If you are in a group, each of you must do this, but don't share until everyone has had a chance to take in what they have just heard. If you are having trouble just focus on the first thing that comes to mind. This portion of the exercise should only take about 1 minute. 

3. If you are doing the study alone, you don't need to do this portion of the study. For those of you in a group setting, share with the group what word or phrase you thought of. There should be no discussion at this time. Just share what came to your mind. This should only take about 3-5 minutes. 

4. Using a different translation (if possible), have another person read the passage slowly. (If you are doing this study alone, just read it again yourself from another translation)

5. Each person should now identify how the passage touches your life today. This should only take about a minute. 

6. Next, go around the group and share what you have just identified without any discussion. If you are doing the study alone, try to write it down so that you have something to make what you are studying more concrete. This process should take about 3-5 minutes. 

7. Read the passage again from another translation (different from the first 2). 

8. Next, identify (either to the group or by writing it down) what you believe God wants you to do or whether He wants you to change in any way. Once you identify what it is you think God is speaking to you about through Scripture, share with the group. (If you are completing the study on your own feel free to share in the comments on this post or to a mentor). This entire process should take no more than 10 minutes. 

9. If you are in a group, take turns praying for the person on your right. If you are doing the study alone, pray silently about what you have just discovered. 

10. Close with the Lords Prayer and silence

NOTE: I used Mark chapter 3 to complete this study on my own time. You are welcome to use Mark 3 as well, but if you are lead to a different passage, by all means use it!


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