Mark 4: Word Study
A word study is a type of Bible Study in which you pick one word to focus on and listen to what God is saying to you through that word. While reading Mark 4, I noticed the word parables was used on several occasions. Below is a list that I have compiled of all that comes to mind when I think of the word parable. Remember to pray before doing this exercise. Ask God to give you the wisdom to understand what he is trying to say to you. Abba, I thank you for bringing light into my life and making sure that I know that I am loved by you. Thank you for guiding me today as I study your word, and give me the strength and wisdom to understand what you are telling me. Amen PARABLE Story Jesus Message Understanding of what we could not understand before An act of love Teachings Instruction Confusion Love of the deepest kind The story of God The prodigal son returns Prayer In my list I notice a few key themes. Parables are definitely a way of teaching. I also notice that they are...