That's a Successful Year in my Book

As I sit here and think about all that I want to say in reference to the year 2015, I can't help but think it cliche to be writing about my year at all, but, fear not, I have my reasons.

2015 was a year of many firsts. 

I had my first ambulance ride, my first ICU stay, and my first actual diagnosed blood clot.  I went into septic shock for the first time, and ran fevers for 5 consecutive days for the first time in my memory.

Apart from medical firsts, I have also had a few life firsts during the year of 2015.  

I moved away to live in a dorm for the first time, and I also drove across-state (to and from school) on my own.

2015 was a year of many hardships.

My health began to rapidly decline around six months ago.  If you know me at all, you know that I have a chronic illness.  I have been sick my whole life, but I can usually manage pretty well from a pain standpoint.  My symptoms have gotten so bad that I sleep 90% of the time in an attempt to escape them.  I have been fiercely battling symptoms on a day to day basis.

My family has struggled to come to terms with the unexpected loss of my grandfather. 

My great grandmother (expected) went to be with the Lord. 

Our family often questioned where money would come from due to the many expenses that come with my medical diagnosis, college tuition for both my brother and myself, and funeral costs.  

2015 was a year of many victories.  

I was diagnosed with my blood clotting disorder and put on proper medications. 

I had all A's in my first semester at Barclay (3rd semester in college)!!

My baby brother graduated high school & finished his first semester of college.

I am still alive, and I have managed to go yet another second, minute, hour, YEAR without being placed on disability.  My illness is debilitating.  I will be honest, I spent most of my winter break in bed, but I am a fighter. I am fighting and any year where I can say I fought that entire year away is a successful year in my book.  


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