About Me

Dear Readers,

I was looking through some posts when I realized that I haven't really introduced myself since this journey began several years ago, so I wanted to tell you a bit about myself. My name is Tristan and I'm nearly 22. I have always loved writing, so when I got sick in 2013 I sought a place where I could express myself as well as spread awareness about chronic illness whilst still serving God. Blogging turned out to be perfect! Over the years I have endured so much, but this blog has been my safe space. It is my hope that through my writing I can be a light in the darkness for someone else on this long journey. Some days I write about mental health and other days I write about physical health or spiritual warfare going on inside of me. This year my goal is to start doing the research needed to add a few helpful hints, more open letters, and a lot of other fun things to stay in tune for!

This is me and my special puppy Cooper. Don't worry I am looking into including him in all of the fun as well!


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